Python Project Starter

I recently dived back into Python and got to build a fully featured Python application. Here’s how maybe you can setup a sick Python Project setup.


For obvious reasons you need pip which is the package manager for Python.

You may use pipx which is what I use. It provides a isolated environment for every package installed through pip. It is designed to be accompanied with command line tools written in Python.

A very good example for this would be the official kaggle command line tool. Installing this through pipx means it is kept in a separate virtual environment and it’s dependencies are tracked. If any other command-line tool has the same dependency but with a different version it would not cause problems.

Another side effect of this is that when you delete a pipx package, it’s dependencies are also deleted, which is not the default behaviour when using pip.

For following this tutorial you will need 2 python packages.

  • poetry It manages our Python project for us.
  • poethepoet It is a task runner. You can run make but DOS/Windows users may face problem installing and configuring make.By using poethepoet we use a os-agnostic task runner.

You can install it using pip or pipx.

1pip install poetry poethepoet
1pipx install poetry
2pipx install poethepoet


Creating a project directory is trivial.

1poetry new <project-name>

This would create a new directory with the name <project-name>. It will ask you for some defaults simply answer them as you wish. You can change these later.

It would ask for your program dependencies.If you have any dependency in mind, please feel free to add them.

It will ask for development dependencies. I recommend skipping this question for now (To skip simply leave the prompt empty and press Enter).

Simply move into the new directory using cd <project-name>


Let’s install a few dependencies which will help you maintain a clean code. These are not the dependencies that the project uses to run. These are only needed when developing/contributing to the project. That’s the reason it is called the development dependencies.

Ofcourse development of any software is a subjective process. You can take help of any number of tools.

These are my suggestions

  • black is the formatter that I prefer. It is simple and non-intrusive. You are free to install any formatter that you currently use.

  • pytest is the testing framework. I have never required anything beside pytest. Although if you need complex features you may install other testing frameworks

  • pydocstyle ensures that all the code is documented. Especially useful when working on group projects where every little function may need to be documented.

  • pdoc extracts the documentation from the code and converts into user friendly html format. You can use sphinx but it requires knowledge of RST format. This might be a learning curve and ensuring everybody learns and uses it in a team is hard.

  • pre-commit is the most important tool. It provides git-hooks which does not allow us to commit code without checking it through all the above programs.

Keep in mind we are installing these tools in a development environment, not production. Thus we would need to tell poetry to add them to the dev dependencies. To do the same run

1poetry add -G dev black pytest pydocstyle pdoc pre-commit

This will not only create a new virtual environment for your dependencies but also create a poetry.lock file which will track all dependencies.


Let’s configure pre-commit. For that we need a .pre-commit-config.yml file in the root of our project.

Populate the .pre-commit-config.yml file with the given content. For more information refer to the pre-commit documentation.

The given file configures some checks to be done before commiting any code. This includes

  • formatting changes.
  • documentation validation.
  • misc things like trailing whitespaces.
 2-   repo:
 3    rev: v3.2.0
 4    hooks:
 5    -   id: trailing-whitespace
 6    -   id: end-of-file-fixer
 7    -   id: check-yaml
 8    -   id: check-added-large-files
 9-   repo:
10    rev: 22.3.0
11    hooks:
12    -   id: black
13-   repo:
14    rev: 6.1.1  # pick a git hash / tag to point to
15    hooks:
16    -   id: pydocstyle

Now is a good time to initialize git. Add the current folder to git and make a initial commit.

1# In the project root
2git init
3git add .
4git commit -m "Initial Commit"


Now we can configure the task runner. This would help you to run common tasks like formatting , testing without enabling the virtual environment. poethepoet uses pyproject.toml file for the list of tasks.

You only need to append the following section

2test = "pytest"
3run = ["doc", { shell = "python -m <project-name>"}]
4format = [ { shell = "black <project-name> tests"}]
5init = [ { shell = "poetry install"} , { shell = "poetry run pre-commit install"} , { shell = "poetry run pre-commit "} ]
6doc = "pdoc -o docs <project-name>"

After adding this code you can run tasks using poe.

For example to format the entire code.

1poe format

This would automatically run the formatting tool black within the virtual environment poetry created for us. We don’t have to manually run anything.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. We can run any tasks including building Docker images or deploying to PyPI. Refer to the poethepoet documentation for more information.

To configure pre-commit and confirm every dependency is already installed. Run poe init. This would make sure all dependencies are installed and configure pre-commit.

Until now pre-commit has not integrated with git. poe init takes care of doing this. It will also run pre-commit for the first time to check if everything is working.

Because we have setup pydocstyle within pre-commit it may complain about missing documentation within the pre-generated code.

Everything we need will be inside the virtual environment. Isolation at it’s peak!


Now the only thing remaining is coding!. Build your dream app.

The features provided through this process are

  • pre-commit for automatically formatting, checking and maintaining code quality
  • poethepoet for a os-agnostic task runner. This will run irrespective of your operating system or dev environment.
  • poetry for creating and managing a separate virtual environment. All dependencies will be handled by poetry.

If you need others to run your software. You only need to tell them to install poetry and poethepoet.

Then clone the repository and run poe init within the project root. It will setup everything needed to develop and run your application.

Some tips:

  • Adding non-development dependencies
1poetry add <dependency>
  • Add a cute .gitignore to ignore __pycache__ folders and other build files.
  • If possible setup a Continous Integration workflow using GitHub Actions or any other CI service.
  • Maybe add a Dockerfile and make it more isolated.


print("Goodbye and may you have a good day!")